Home Projects


Braided Clothes Line

These clotheslines are extremely useful in refugee camps. They are used to both tie up plarn mats/bedrolls, and they have another purpose as a rope to hang laundry from. We donate these to Launfal Foundation and Lifting Hands International for use in refugee camps.



These beautiful blankets will be donated to local homeless shelters and nursing homes, or to charities that will deliver them to refugee camps worldwide.


Refugee Note Cards

These colorful and kind notecards are included in every hygiene kit or food box sent to refugees through Lifting Hands International.  The three-word notes are often kept by families and used to decorate the living quarters.


Fleece Softballs

These cute little balls are easy to make and can be donated to charitable organizations for young children.


Loomed Knit Hats

These warm knit hats are donated to local homeless shelters and to refugees through Lifting Hands International.


Teddy Bears

These will be donated to Dolls of Hope a local charity who donates to refugee camps worldwide