Loomed Knit Hats

These warm knit hats are donated to local homeless shelters and to refugees through Lifting Hands International.


  • Round Hat Loom and loom hook (can be purchased at Walmart, craft stores or via Amazon)

  • Thicker yarn (such as Lion Brand Hometown USA, Super Bulky)

Choose a size

Okay, before you get started making a hat, you need to know how big it should be. Here are my general guidelines:

  • Kids & small adults: use the 7-1/2 inch loom

  • Average sized adults: use the 9-1/2 inch loom

  • Larger adults: use the 11-1/2 inch loom


  1. Start by tying one end of the yarn in a casual slipknot over the peg on the end.

  2. wrap the yarn around each peg on the loom. This is called “e-wrapping” because the yarn resembles a cursive e.

  3. When you get back to the beginning, wrap a second time around on each peg.

  4. Hold the end of the yarn and the loom in one hand. With the other hand, use the metal hook to pull the bottom loop up over the top one on every peg.

  5. Wrap the yarn around each peg again. This time you only need to go once around. Pull the bottom loop up over the top on every peg again. Repeat this until you have about 2 inches of knitted yarn. This takes about 10 times around, depending on how thick your yarn is.

  6. After a few rounds, you can untie that original slipknot and let the tail just hang off the end until you are done.

  7. When your knitted section is about 2 inches long, take each loop on the edge and hook it over the coordinating peg. This will give you 2 loops on every peg. This makes the brim of the hat.

  8. Pull the bottom loop up over the top loop that you just added. You should have a kind of tube band going around the circle.

  9. Wrap the yarn around each peg and lift the bottom loop over the top one, like you were doing before. Repeat this several times, until your hat is about 7 or 8 inches long. I don’t count while I’m knitting because I would always lose count. {I went back and counted and this hat has about 25 rows, after the brim.}

  10. When you are ready to take the hat off of the loom, you’ll need a crochet hook or the metal hook that came with the kit.

  11. Cut the yarn, leaving about a 6 inch tail. Starting on the peg after the tail, life each loop off of its peg onto the crochet hook. Loop the tail over the hook and pull it through the yarn. Repeat that with every loop, creating a drawstring that goes around the top of the hat.

  12. Pull the yarn drawstring tight and tie it off. I wrap it around where the hole in the middle would be and tie it back onto itself.

  13. Weave in the tail that is on the brim end of the hat and you’re done. Once you get the hang of making a loom knit hat, it will take about an hour or two to make one.

  14. Weave in the tail that is on the brim end of the hat and you’re done. Once you get the hang of making a loom knit hat, it will take about an hour or two to make one